Creating this website with Hugo and Github

So I just finished publishing this website without errors and I thought I would document it here. To my pleasant surprise, It was pretty straightforward.

I followed these steps:

  1. I followed the first few steps directly from the getting started guide of hugo, where I installed it using brew, created an empty site and initialized it with git.

  2. Now this second part is really really hard, which involves choosing a theme. Later I realized that it is very easy to switch between themes in hugo, so in retrospect, this shouldn’t be that hard or time-consuming. I ended up choosing hugo-coder which seems to be one of the more popular themes (i.e., more support and functionalities, yay!). This report from a random reddit post helped me make the decision.

  3. I think the best way to add themes is using submodules (git submodule add <github-url-for-the-theme> themes/<theme-name>) even if the instructions say otherwise. I learned this the hard way but it is very easy to install multiple themes and switch between them using submodules. All the themes are stored in the /themes/ directory and you just need to change one line in the config.toml file.

  4. I created a github repository named personal-blog and pushed this site to it.

  5. I created another repository on github with the name (which would be to host the site. I found this technique pertty interesting where you host the rendered site in a different place ( and the source material in a different place ( It makes so much sense to do this, but I didn’t know of this before. In order to do this, we add the above hosting repository as a submodule to the public/ directory. I pretty much followed the official instructions for hosting on github which didn’t quite worked for me. For some reason, I had to change the step 6 to git submodule add -b master public, but surprisingly, the branch name is `main`` when I change directory to public. The is pretty cool which I run everytime I want to update stuff, and it automatically renders and pushes the changes to my hosting repository (

  6. Now that my site is up and running, I want to add some extra stuff. I added goat counter analytics which is a privacy friendly version of google analytics. Note that when using themes as submodules, you want to make changes to stuff in the /themes/_theme-name_/folder and not in the root of your site. So, in order to add goat analytics, copy the code into /themes/hugo-coder/layouts/partial/analytics.html or whatever your theme name is.

This is all I have done so far, the next thing I want to do is add a view counter on the home page of the site. Goat analytics gives the script for that, I just need to figure out where to place it. I also need to add comments, disqus is the easiest choice, but I’ll have a look at the alternatives before going forward with it. I’ll update this section of the post once I have these changes ready. Finally, it would be nice to create and avatar to replace the stock avatar in my home page. I’ll write about it in a subsequent post.

Peace, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)